A 4th level Gamer Chick's Tome of Knowledge

This is just my little piece of the internet feel free to peruse... I'll update when I can about game, school, plans, and anything people pester me about... #2

Location: Naperville, Illinois, United States

I'm a freshman at the University of Wyoming majoring in anthropology and minoring in German and geology. I'm currently playing in a V:tM game Friday nights and trying to work in Kalamar when I can.

Friday, November 04, 2005


You know... I thought that since it's Friday and I won't have to deal with actual classes for a couple days, I'd tell y'all about what I'm doing. I'm currently enrolled in 17 credit hours this semester and another 17 next semester (yes, I'm a freshie who's already registered for Spring classes, God bless the CLA program).

Right now I'm enrolled in:
ANTH 1000: Intellectual Communities in Anthropology (3)
ANTH 1300: Introduction to Archaeology (3)
GEOL 1100: Physical Geology (4)
GERM 2030: 2nd Year German II (4)
RELI 1000: Introduction to Religion (3)
for this semester and
ANTH 1100: Introduction to Physical Anthropology (4)
ANTH 1200: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3)
ENGL 1010: Collegiate Composition/Rhetoric (aka Freshman Composition) (3)
GERM 2140: German Literature (3)
MATH 2205: Calculus II (4)
for next semester.

Right now I'm in classes from 12-3 MWF, 11-4 TR, and 8-9 F, as strange as that sounds, and next sememster I'll be in classes 9-1;3-4 M, 1:20-2:30;4-5:30 T, 11-1;3-4 W, 11-12;1:20-2:30;4-5:30 R, and 11-1;3-4 F.

In addition to that I eat dinner with the same people every day at 5, I've got a V:tM game from 10-midnight or so on Fridays, a D&D game from 6-10 pm or so on Sundays, and Seiyo No Shorin-Ryu Karate and Kabudo Kai (aka karate) 7-9 MTR.

I passed my first Kyu (belt) test with the Shorin-Ryu group so I'm officially Hachikyu (8th Kyu) or yellow belt. I'm hopefully going to be participating in the Cowboy State Games in February for forms and sparring. This'll be Shorin-Ryu's first year attending so my prior sparring experience is greatly appreciated.

I'm pleased to say that right now I'm passing all my classes as of mid-terms and I like my profs and my advisor. I'll post pics of peoples at some point, but I haven't taken them yet, but once I do, I promise you'll get to see what my new accomplices look like.



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