A 4th level Gamer Chick's Tome of Knowledge

This is just my little piece of the internet feel free to peruse... I'll update when I can about game, school, plans, and anything people pester me about... #2

Location: Naperville, Illinois, United States

I'm a freshman at the University of Wyoming majoring in anthropology and minoring in German and geology. I'm currently playing in a V:tM game Friday nights and trying to work in Kalamar when I can.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Y'know... it's not that I don't like my roommate... she's nice enough and all, but really can it be so hard to be just a little quiet when one gets up? Or to not put on a second set of music or turn on a second TV? Good grief!

I do enjoy her company, it's just blatantly obvious that she's never shared a room before. And if she were just getting up for her 8 am and being a little loud it wouldn't bother me because I do need to start getting up earlier and I know it, but she's getting up at frickin' 5 am to go run with a friend and not managing to open and close her closet/drawers even somewhat quietly. This morning was particularly bad, hence the rant. She gets back from running at 6:30 and turns on the frickin' TV while I'm trying to sleep... if I'm lucky she doesn't turn on the light. When it comes right down to it, I like her and all, but I really hope she's allowed to move into the tri-delt house next semester so that Karen can move in with me. Who's Karen, you ask?

There's supposed to be a piccy here... tell me there's not...

That's Karen, with the pumpkin we carved.

Check out the link to Jack in my sidebar, it's a good read.

... I think I've run out of rant... for now... mwahahahahaha!!!



Blogger Nurse Penguinladi said...

Rant away--but then go COMMUNICATE!! This is all part of the college experience. Let your roommate know that you have different schedules and she needs to be a little considerate of you. If it is true she has never had to share space with anyone, she is probably clueless. The other possibility is that she doesn't care or believes her needs come above anyone else's.

Sorry to sound like a "mom"--but that's me. I "mom" everybody! (Kalen, can "mom" be a verb now, please?)

08 November, 2005 11:44  
Blogger emperorryno said...

I know what you mean with the roommate thing. My roommate will sometimes come back to the room at 3 AM drunk as hell and yelling as loud as he can. I'm even considerate enough not to make so much noise the next morning to wake his drunk ass up. He's a nice guy, he just drinks way too much.

08 November, 2005 13:31  
Blogger Nurse Penguinladi said...

Ryan--I think your roommates problem is that his parents seem to think he is Mr. Wonderful who can do no wrong. The way he left them to set up his room for him was disrespectful. Of course, his parents are at fault as well--he is very spoiled. Dad and I have spoiled you guys to a certain point, but you all still seem to appreciate what we do for you and have at least a bit of independance to do things on your own. Mom wanted to help you--you just wanted me out of there! :) Ok, I can understand that.

#2--I've always admired your independance and pride in your efforts. You seem to possess the skills needed to be successful in college and later on in whatever you choose to do. Don't let the little things get in your way!

08 November, 2005 16:06  
Blogger Amber #2 said...

My roommate's gotten herself uber-drunk once... she spent the night at Pike and wasn't back until 8 the next morning... luckily I've managed to avoid her drunk in the room...

08 November, 2005 16:23  
Blogger Mother of Amber said...

Speaking as the actual mom ..... grin ..... I seem to recall a little girl who used to put on a 2nd source of music all the time!

And, in all fairness to Mari, you *did* put on your housing form that you were an early to bed - early to rise -er. So they paired you with one....

*crawling back into my hole*

10 November, 2005 13:14  
Blogger Matt said...

I don't really think that I know ANY girls who liked their first roommate freshman year. Lots of them didn't like each other, and often, it was just a neutral relationship with very little communication. As in, you wouldn't think they knew each other except for the fact that they technically sleep in the same room.

So its not like its just you. I say tolerate her until the end of the year, or less, if she moves out this year. After that, you can choose whoever you want to live with.

10 November, 2005 21:22  
Blogger Amber #2 said...

*pokes mom* yeah... until you and dad informed me multiple times that it wasn't polite... and I honestly never did it outside of your company... so :P...

*pokes the Matt* overall I don't mind Mari... there's just the little things...like she expects to get straight As here with the same amount of effort (which is a considerable amount, I'll admit) that she put in in High School, then stresses herself to heck when she doesn't... and I really don't want to know why her one friend called her 15 times between 5:45 and 6:45 this morning... but let's just say that this morning was... interesting...


11 November, 2005 10:42  

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