hoody hoo!
Many, many things make me happy...
less than a week before I'm in town, huzzah! I'm getting in at something like 12:30 am on Wednesday, yes, am... and leaving somewhere around noon on saturday. Sometime Friday afternoon/evening I'm being allowed to have friends over and stuff, for peoples who know them #3 and Evan are gonna be there... I'm just not sure what time yet... gotta figure that out, don't I?
I'm gonna be running a short W:tA game out here between Thanksgiving and Christmas break.
We've finally hit Christianity in my religion class... though I'd happily inflict bodily harm on the girl who keeps arguing with the prof...it could be just me, but I think he's studied a lot more than she has on the subject...
I know I aced the archaeology quiz I took yesterday, which is a beautiful, beautiful thing. I think his quizes and tests are getting easier... especially considering that there were only 6 passing grades on the first one (luckily I was one of them...)
Shotguns in Space finally updated!!!!!!!!!! did you beat some sense into them, #1? or did they do it on their own?
I think that's it for now,
less than a week before I'm in town, huzzah! I'm getting in at something like 12:30 am on Wednesday, yes, am... and leaving somewhere around noon on saturday. Sometime Friday afternoon/evening I'm being allowed to have friends over and stuff, for peoples who know them #3 and Evan are gonna be there... I'm just not sure what time yet... gotta figure that out, don't I?
I'm gonna be running a short W:tA game out here between Thanksgiving and Christmas break.
We've finally hit Christianity in my religion class... though I'd happily inflict bodily harm on the girl who keeps arguing with the prof...it could be just me, but I think he's studied a lot more than she has on the subject...
I know I aced the archaeology quiz I took yesterday, which is a beautiful, beautiful thing. I think his quizes and tests are getting easier... especially considering that there were only 6 passing grades on the first one (luckily I was one of them...)
Shotguns in Space finally updated!!!!!!!!!! did you beat some sense into them, #1? or did they do it on their own?
I think that's it for now,
No, I just hung out with one of them. I... got distracted and forgot about the beating sense into them part. But two of them are managers at their respective jobs and have a lot of stress in their lives, so be forgiving. I don't really know the third guy too well (as in I met him once)
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