A 4th level Gamer Chick's Tome of Knowledge

This is just my little piece of the internet feel free to peruse... I'll update when I can about game, school, plans, and anything people pester me about... #2

Location: Naperville, Illinois, United States

I'm a freshman at the University of Wyoming majoring in anthropology and minoring in German and geology. I'm currently playing in a V:tM game Friday nights and trying to work in Kalamar when I can.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Just a little heart-bearing to go with that side of guilt...

One of my co-workers, for the sake of argument (and protecting her identity) we'll call her Sam,... well... ex-coworker now... was... well... not kidnapped, but damn close and it cost her her job. She was the main person I worked with in the office and now we've thrown the guy who was originall supposed to replace me at the end of the summer into the deep end of trying to do her job right now.

What happened was that during our 'lunch' on Thursday Sam's boyfriend (who doesn't work for LTD) pulled up in his car, they had some sort of argument/disagreement/altercation and he took her with him. Not 'she left with him,' not 'she reluctantly chose him over her work', he took her with him. She wasn't given the time to clock out, explain any 'situation' to her Group Leader or Supervisor, she wasn't even able to return to Inbound and retrieve her sunglasses and waterbottle from her desk. I'll admit that I've only known her a few weeks, but we all agree that this is very unlike her. She always came to work to work and enjoyed doing so. She did arrive for work today, so at least we know she's alive, gave our Supervisor notes to give people who she'd lent things or who had lent her things to get everything back where it belongs and was separated from the company for work abandonment.

Many of us agree that even though we know she's ok, we don't think that she's OK and I'd appreciate it if those of you who do could keep her in your thoughts and prayers.



Blogger The Narf said...

This isn't really a reply to this post; more like a reply the one a few months ago about you working at LTD. (Shows how much I read this blog ...)

My older brother worked there too for about two weeks. He was supposed to get second shift, but they scheduled him for first shift. He couldn't wake up at 4am or whatever, and so was chronically late. And then fired.

23 July, 2006 21:03  
Blogger Amber #2 said...

Yeah, it only takes 6 'lates' to be fired... LTD'd rather hire new people constantly... I got hired for 2nd but they put my file in the stack for first shift... luckily it got sorted out 'cause there'd be no way in hell that I'd've managed a 5:30 am shift...

26 July, 2006 11:27  

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