A 4th level Gamer Chick's Tome of Knowledge

This is just my little piece of the internet feel free to peruse... I'll update when I can about game, school, plans, and anything people pester me about... #2

Location: Naperville, Illinois, United States

I'm a freshman at the University of Wyoming majoring in anthropology and minoring in German and geology. I'm currently playing in a V:tM game Friday nights and trying to work in Kalamar when I can.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Time to kick this butt

Well, let's see... GenCon was a blast, as always. The auction made booku bucks, not that I'll see much of it... well, actually I don't know how much of a share I got of last year's earnings, but Jane handed me $50 on Sunday and I was all 'woo!'... anyway...

Let's see, where do I begin, oh, yes, Thursday. Thursday I went to a Euchre tournament and almost won, oh well. I lost to two worthy adversaries, one of which is now really interested in me. Some of you would've met him at the live-reading on Friday, but we'll get there.

Other than that on Thursday I worked the auction... running, store nazi-ing... data entry... had a blast...

Didn't do much work at the auction on Friday... played the new Kalamar adaptable in the morning and saw the Video Games Live concert that night. For all you Kalamar players who read this and haven't played The Unguarded Horde yet, play it. It's really good and has some great perks. Video Games Live was awesome! They started with a whole medly of classic game music.. you know, Pong and Frogger... stuff like that. They did a whole medly of Mario music, no, no Luigi's Mansion, sorry Tony... There was a 'live' version of Space Invaders... they put this guy from the audience in a shirt with the ship-thingy on it and had him play on the big screen... he didn't do very well... They did something similar with Frogger, but it was a competition between two audience members... I swear to God I never thought I'd see an 18-year-old non-gamer female beat a 30-year-old gamer in a kilt at Frogger, but I did. VGL kicked all kinds of ass.

I spent most of Saturday at the Auction, only taking a break for the live reading, which I enjoyed. Gamer Volleyball forever! the reading was awesome, if for nothing else than getting to here Ryan say "I wanna play pretty pretty princess!"

Sunday we worked... and worked... and mom nearly killed Bruce... *shrugs* no huge loss...

and then on Monday I got re-employed... I got a campus job! *happy dance* It's one hell of a pay cut, but better'n nothing... and I can do homework while I'm 'working', which is good...

I think that's it, *waves* probably won't post again 'til I'm in Wyoming.



Blogger Nurse Penguinladi said...

But do you know the backstory of why hearing Ryan say "I want to play Pretty, Pretty Princess" is so funny?

18 August, 2006 12:02  
Blogger Amber #2 said...

there's a backstory?!?!

tell me!

19 August, 2006 12:33  
Blogger Kalen said...

Well, a few years ago, when Kathy and I were working at the Girl Scout camp, Kathy had her birthday at camp and got a "crown" made out of that wire-y, glittery stuff you can buy at a party store. It was in the back of our (now Kathy's) car while Kathy, Matt, and Ryan were driving somewhere and Ryan was sitting in the back. He picked up the crown, put it on his head, and declared, "I'm a princess now!"

19 August, 2006 19:01  
Blogger Nurse Penguinladi said...

And we've never let him forget that he ever uttered those words!

20 August, 2006 00:24  
Blogger Amber #2 said...

rofl... that's great... and exactly what a family should do...

20 August, 2006 15:12  

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