A 4th level Gamer Chick's Tome of Knowledge

This is just my little piece of the internet feel free to peruse... I'll update when I can about game, school, plans, and anything people pester me about... #2

Location: Naperville, Illinois, United States

I'm a freshman at the University of Wyoming majoring in anthropology and minoring in German and geology. I'm currently playing in a V:tM game Friday nights and trying to work in Kalamar when I can.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

since people have stopped guessing...

1. Alan Parson's Project-Turn of a Friendly Card
2. Eagles-New Kid in Town
3. Styx-Come Sail Away (though I'll admit that Don't Sit Down on the Plexi-Glass Toilet's a close second)
4. Garth Brooks-Standing Outsdide the Fire
5. Tom Lehrer-Smut (along with many many others)
6. Beatles-Yellow Submarine
7. Harry Chapin-Sniper
8. Simon & Garfunkle-Poem on the Underground Wall
9. Peter, Paul, & Mary-the Unicorn Song
10. The Moody Blues-Seesaw
S.D.E.C. Napulean XIV-Place Where the Nuts Hunt the Squirells

points around... I don't remember who all guessed what anymore, except that I seem to have exhausted some people's S&G and Eagles lexicons... but anyway, thought I'd post the answers before going on with my postage...

Well, let's see... next week is finals week, so... yeah, I'm pretty brain-dead right now, I had my religion final yesterday, I've got my ANTH 1000 and archaeology finals today, and finally my geology and german finals on Monday, but don't get your hopes up, I'm still not getting home until Sunday. All I have to say about my activities this week is: there's nothing quite so annoying as doing a group research paper when only one other person in the group has done a research paper before and two of the group members are trying to insist that we shouldn't have to use citations... ugh... but it's done, huzzah!

In other news, the D&D campaign (Die, Vecna, Die) that I was in is officially over... and god did that go well:
The group did actually manage to kill Vecna. Not only that but we all lived to tell the tale! We cleaned up his cronies pretty quickly while the character known only as 'hey you' took on Vecna. Mara was killed by Vecna in the very first action of combat, leaving her mark on the world in the form of a grease smear on the wall. Dat Guy (no, I'm not kidding, that's the char's name) made quick work of most of the enemies including his own, Mara's, and my own, with his numerous powerful attacks. Caleb disappeared after a heavy bout of damage by one of his opponents. Maras enemy, now in the body of his snake familiar, attacked Lil and bound her tight. Lil's enemy attacked Dat Guy in an attempt to remove him from the picture, but failed miserably. Lil layed some serious healing down on those who needed it and were still alive. Ben took out the snake, freeing Lil, and one of Caleb's. I cast Bull's Strength, mass to try to help my comrades in their attempts to kill Vecna once and for all. Vecna tried to take out Dat Guy, but only landed about half of his attacks and didn't do nearly enough to kill him. Dat Guy turned Lil's opponent into a fine red mist, then finished off the last of Caleb's opponents and turned his attention to Vecna.

It only took a few short rounds of combat ((short being 20-30 min real time)) for Hey You to figure out that we weren't really getting anywhere and activate a contingency that none of the rest of us would have considered; he allowed Vecna to strike him and turned himself into a sphere of annihilation, ending Vecna's reign of terror once and for all. We were all quite bereved at the loss of our companions... at least for a moment. Lil had me crack the rod of seven parts ((blame the GM, not me)) to true res Mara while she prayed for Hey You's soul. After what seemed like an eternity Lil looked up and declared that Lothander would not retrieve Hey You's soul, so I did a little praying of my own, being the only other divine caster in the group. I put in some time with my totem ((for those of you who don't know Kalamar, I'm a Shaman, basically a Druid who worhsips her animal companion)) who, after a little consideration, did the deed and reunited his soul with the material plane. We managed to locate and retrieve Caleb and re-entered Sigil from Vecna's fortress as a complete party.

All I have to say is... that was a blast!

Also, the Vampire campaign I'm in progresses. For the people who know V:tM I'll share some of our current events:
1. after failing an attempt at surveillance we had a guy piss on our front right tire, yell, "'Ware the moors!" at the top of his lungs, then run like hell
2. Max shot him in the back with his shotgun
3. Max decided that we should probably get the heck out of there since he'd just committed felony assault, so we did, only to look back and see the old guy chasing us on all fours... and gaining...
4. the lupines are out to get us, I swear... stupid Scotland...
5. the lupines burned down the Elysium
6. while we were in it (we're still alive only through sheer luck)
7. and it was our fault (ain't that just the kicker)
8. and now we're about to attack a Skin Walker outpost (and prolly get our rear-ends handed to us)
I've come to the conclusion that our chars are the red-shirts of the city... I'm sure the fact that we have two Malks has nothing to do with it at all...

In real-life current events, I'll be getting off the train in Naperville a week from Saturday, but I honestly don't know what's going on around New Year's yet... i.e. I may be in Detroit, I may be at home, who knows... other than that and Christmas itself I'm available between the 18th and the 6th...

I think that's it for now... I think... if it's not I'll just edit this, so... *shrug*... meh!



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