A 4th level Gamer Chick's Tome of Knowledge

This is just my little piece of the internet feel free to peruse... I'll update when I can about game, school, plans, and anything people pester me about... #2

Location: Naperville, Illinois, United States

I'm a freshman at the University of Wyoming majoring in anthropology and minoring in German and geology. I'm currently playing in a V:tM game Friday nights and trying to work in Kalamar when I can.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

hoody frickin' hoo!

*happy dance*

I'm officially employed at LTD Commodities. I am soooo haappy... I'll be working 3:30-midnight for decent pay, summer money here I come...

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mokoto no michi o mamoru koto

heh, I know almost no Japanes, but I know what that means. The title's the dojo-kun for Seiyo No Shorin-Ryu Karate Kobudo Kai this month. From now on the first time I post each month will be titled after the dojo-kun unless it's severely inappropriate. Two points for the first person to tell me what it means.

This is mostly a quick update. I put a couple new links in my sidebar and I wanted to:
a. point them out
b. tell you what they are

so here I go.
1. Dawn of Dragons is an online novel being written by.. I've forgotten her name... but anyway... it's quite enjoyable. She's up to 2 and a half-ish books, each written in chronological succession from a different character's perspective. They're not Tolkien or anything, but they're well-written and enjoyable stories.
2. The link for Sluggy Freelance has also snuck into my comics section. It's an odd little comic for geeks of all sorts. I haven't finished reading up all the way yet, so I can't comment on offensiveness or lack thereof, but it's funny.
3. Tchjdaedn's music. Yes, I do have this categorized under art. It's very obviously midi, but it's worth listening to, in my opinion. It's under art for two reasons: 1. some of the compositions definitely deserve that title and 2. he did all of them without any formal music training, which just blows me away.
4. Two new blogs have filtered into my list, Kassidy 101's Journal by ((omg!!!)) Kassidy 101 and Hard at work, doing whatever I do best by the previously mentioned Tchjdaedn. They're a couple people who I've met in Wyoming, peruse and be enlightened... if you dare! Oh, and they're both people you've seen/heard me refer to by their real names... see if you can figger out who...
5. And last, but certainly not least, is the link to the myriad, and I mean myriad, pictures of the club over the last 5 or 6 years, but most of them are of just this past semester... you can make a contest out of it: "Spot #2!" *snickers*

Anyways... just puttin' up a quick descrip of the links, I'll post other stuffs tomorrow between job-hunting and other stuffs... somehow...


EDIT: addendum at 1 am 16/05/06

yeah, yeah... anyway...

classes next semester... I'll start with one simple word: ugh... I've got 3 writing-heavy classes, my speech class, and a lab science... someone kill me now...

8am MTWR = GERM 2040: 2nd Year German 2... I'd've taken it this past semester, but for a reason I can't fathom they only offer the second half of 2nd year German Fall semester.
9am MWF = POLS 1000: American and Wyoming Government... you just gotta love those constitution requirements...
11am TR = ENGL 1010: collegiate Composition and Rhetoric... which is their nice way of saying Freshie composition... why, oh, why didn't I take A.P. English????
12pm MWF = BIOL 1010: General Biology... bloody lab science... but I have to take it to take paleo courses later...
2:45pm TR = ANTH 2000: Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology... well, at least I have one class in my major... of course, it's also filling my 'O' credit, or oral... which means it's also acting as my freshie communication course... at least I've got buds in that class...
2:10pm M = BIOL 1010: General Biology Lab... ugh...

at least I did decently grade-wise this semester... two As and two Bs... I shouldn't've gotten one of those Bs, but it's my own fault, so *shrugs*

... knowing me I'll post more later, by my brain is dead and I keep correcting my own spelling, so... yeah... nighty...

#2 again

Friday, May 12, 2006

oh, right... Illinois

OH, yeah, I might want to mention that I'm home... I've been home for almost a week...

I'll keep everyone updated on my search for employment of any sort... and if anyone can help me get a job, lay it on me - I'm desperate...
