A 4th level Gamer Chick's Tome of Knowledge

This is just my little piece of the internet feel free to peruse... I'll update when I can about game, school, plans, and anything people pester me about... #2

Location: Naperville, Illinois, United States

I'm a freshman at the University of Wyoming majoring in anthropology and minoring in German and geology. I'm currently playing in a V:tM game Friday nights and trying to work in Kalamar when I can.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

>.<;; grrrrrrrrrr...

Someone on the fifth floor is going to pay dearly. At two in the frickin' morning today our firealarm started going off! We know that it was someone on the fifth floor, but we don't know what... all I want to do is go up there hunt them down and remind them that the rules exist for a reason (there wasn't really a fire) and possibly beat them into a pulp...


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