A 4th level Gamer Chick's Tome of Knowledge

This is just my little piece of the internet feel free to peruse... I'll update when I can about game, school, plans, and anything people pester me about... #2

Location: Naperville, Illinois, United States

I'm a freshman at the University of Wyoming majoring in anthropology and minoring in German and geology. I'm currently playing in a V:tM game Friday nights and trying to work in Kalamar when I can.

Monday, February 12, 2007

been a while

Criminies it's been a while since I posted, just thought I'd catch everyone up. The Karate Club went to Cowboy State Games again this year with 7 people and everyone won at least one medal. In rank order Brian (yellow) won 1st in weapons with Nunchakku Sandan, Ty (1st blue) won 2nd in weapons with Gama Sandan, I (1st green) won 3rd in weapons with Sai Nidan and 2nd in sparring, Nicole (2nd green) won 3rd in kata with Pinan Yondan, Jessica (1st brown) won 1st in kata with Hakutsuru Ken and 2nd in weapons with Suuji No Kun, Brett (1st black) won 3rd in kata with Hakutsuru and 2nd in weapons with Gama Yondan (Kama wiht strings), and Ben (5th black) won 1st kata with Konkusho and 1st in weapons with Shuuji No Kun.

I currently have a bruise the size of a softball on my right leg and I may post a picture at some point, though the swelling's already gone down a lot and it's not nearly so impressive. I'm coming home over Spring Break this year (and bringing my roomie along) and hope to see at least a few of you then.



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